Anti-Gay Politician Made Gay XXX Movieby Peter Moore, London Bureau
May 10, 2006 - 7:00 pm ET(London) The extreme right wing British National Party which publicly condemns homosexuality was left with egg on its face Wednesday when it was learned one of its leaders produced and directed a film featuring young men cavorting in the nude and fondling one another.
In Barnbrook's election campaign material the BNP called for a local vote to let parents decide if they want to "prohibit the teaching of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle choice".
Previous BNP pronouncements included calls to criminalize the "revolting practices" of homosexuality and calls AIDS the "revenge" of nature against "the nauseating proliferation of homosexuality".
"It was an art film, end of story. It was not a bloody porn film," is all Richard Barnbrook, the party's London organizer and leader of the opposition on east London council.
The film, "HMS Discovery: A Love Story," was shot in the mid 1980s.
London's Evening Standard which uncovered the old movie reports that it shows men undressing, full frontal nudity and the men fondling each other. In one scene, the paper reports, one man performing a sex act on another.
At the bottom of the screen there is homoerotic poetry. The film's credits list Barnbrook as producer and director but he denies writing the poetry, which the
UK Telegraph says, includes:
"It bares you like a foreskin's folds" and "Open-mouthed, I shall dream of altar boys."
Bad poems or bad porn, which is more embarrasing to a two-faced closet case?