Well, it looks like everyone is going crazy over artificial intelligence visuals and text. Have the robots finally taken over?
Not exactly.
I decided to give it a try on the website https://sexy.ai/ that I found online. It offers free accounts to create a few at a time. You can pay to get better results, but the right amount of descriptive terms generates something.
I started with my usual erotic fantasies; naked Vikings in the woods, cowboys, Roman gladiators, and wrestlers like John Cena, whose face lends itself to comic erotica. I'm not a very creative person, it seems, because it was wacky and zany what was produced. You have to be very specific with male muscle and other adjectives and words to get the kind of thing you want.
The problem with AI erotica is that the algorithms are not programmed for male bodies very easily, specifically genitalia. Despite a “homoerotic” filter, it seems like more often it's for female subjects and the penises often look like vaginas turned inside out. I did not screen capture some of the more grotesque samples because they were like something out of Francis Bacon gone science fiction horror show.
But here are a few standard ones with at least some semblance of reality. Of course the ones where the penises are connected between two men offers a whole new kind of erotica, nothing that I had ever thought of before. I don't think I want to think about it again.
Connected at the cock: