
Goal Tender

Brazilian soccer goalie Rafael Cordova was featured on the cover of the September issue of G Magazine. They sure get the hot futbulistas.

In an interview, Cordova said there are gays in the Brazilian league, and that he sympathizes with their situation.

But after the announcement that he would appear naked in Brazil's G, many fans vilified him even though he says he is heterosexual.

"The fans want me fired," Cordova told Veja newsmagazine. "We lost three matches in a row and who do you think they are putting the blame on?"

I think they're just jealous because he's so hot.

Speaking of sports, homophobia, and hot guys, here's a blog about gay Black issues, with a lot of sports posts, too.

Here's an interview with Rafael in Portuguese. Feel free to translate and post in comments! (I think in one reply, he says his penis is 20 centimeters.)


Meanwhile, two University of Florida football (the US kind) jocks got a lot of attention when the Black stud kissed the white stud on the field. They're roommates, too. Mr Joiner (the kisser) and Mr. Tebow (the kissee) are both frickin' hot. Here's another article making a fuss about it. Mr. Towle, of course, had a post.

"That's my roommate. I love him. We've grown close." - Mr. Joiner, of Mr. Tebow.

That is so sweet to know!

Here's an article about Tebow that inlcudes Kenny Chesney, pajamas, and some other cryptically gay content.

Tim Tebow is quite popular in Florida. His fans are fanatics. I think it's great that Mr. Tebow likes to lick his friends and kiss his roommate. I would like to lick Tebow from head to toe, a hundred times.


J said...

Man, that is a hot picture at the trough urinal! I've always found those urinals very hot and erotic. Nice blog!

Unknown said...

Folha Online- Where did the invite to pose nude come from?

Rafael Córdova- Uma amiga me indicou para uma pessoa da revista. Mandei fotos do rosto, de nu normal e com ereção. Fiquei com medo que as imagens vazassem. Após receber o convite, fiquei com o contrato nas mãos por dois meses. Consultei meus superiores, que aprovaram. Eles são pessoas de mente aberta, que trabalham no meio musical, do axé na Bahia.
(A female friend of mine suggested me to someone who worked at the magazine. I sent face shots, nude, and with erections. I was scared the photos would leak online. After I got the invite I held onto it for two months. I consulted my superiors, who approoved the decision. They're people with with open minds, who work in the musical field, in the "axe" of Bahia (a heated dancing of an area"

Folha Online- O que vai fazer com o cachê?
(What will you do with the money?)

Córdova- O dinheiro vai me ajudar a abrir um comércio.
(The money will help me open a business)

Folha Online- Faria também filme pornô?
(Would you also do a porno movie?)

Córdova- Fora de cogitação. Sempre vi o negócio de ser modelo como uma segunda opção, se eu não tivesse sucesso no futebol.
(Out of the question. I have always seen modeling as a second option, in case I didn't do well in football)

Folha Online- Como foi a sessão de fotos?
(How did the photo session go?)

Córdova- Foi em uma quadra de grama sintética e em um vestiário, em São Paulo. Fazia frio demais. Molharam meu corpo como se fosse suor. Para me excitar, vi um vídeo. Não tomei nenhum estimulante porque eu jogaria no dia seguinte e poderia cair no doping.
(It was in a synthetic grass field and a lockeroom, in Sao Paulo. It was so cold. And they put water on me to look like sweat. To get excited, I watched a video. I didn't take any stimulant because I had a game the next day and could fail the doping test if I did.)

Folha Online- O que achou do caso Richarlyson?
(What did you think of the Richarlyson case?)

Córdova- Em pleno século 21, o preconceito tem de acabar. É preciso ter respeito. Ainda há muito machismo.
(We're in the 21st century, the prejudice needs to end. There needs to be respect. There is too much machismo)

Folha Online- Você é vaidoso? Gosta de expor suas tatuagens?
(Are you vain? Did you like showing off your tattoos?)

Córdova- Gosto de me cuidar, de ir ao salão, de fazer a unha, o cabelo, de comprar roupas. Mas não sou de ficar sem camisa em uma boate. Faço tatuagens em momentos ruins da vida. Elas me dão energia para superar as dificuldades. Tenho o rosto de Jesus no bíceps, o rosto de minha noiva nas costas, um pitbull no braço, uma lua e uma estrela na cintura, um anjo no quadril, além de uma fênix no pé, o brasão da família na cintura e frases em chinês e japonês.
(I like to take care of myself, go to salons, do my nails, the hair, and buy clothes. But I'm not the type of guy that takes off his shirts in clubs. I get tattoos when I'm in a bad period of my life. They give me energy to rise above the difficulties. I have the face of Jesus on my biceps, my fiances on my bake, a pitbull on my arm, moon and a star on my waist, and an angel on my hip, I also have a phoenix on my feet, my family shield also on my waist, and many japanese and chinese phrases.

Folha Online- A revista pediu para você medir o pênis?
(Did the magazine ask you to measure your penis?)

Córdova- Eu nunca medi. Mas deve ter uns 20 cm.
(I've never measured it. But it's at least 20cm)