How nice of the New York Post's Page Six gossip column to publish what I and many other gays in the know, er, knew, way back in the 80s.

Gorgeous (sadly now deceased) John F. Kennedy, Jr. was bisexual.
In "American Legacy," one of JFK Jr.'s closest pals from Brown University, Rob Littell, tells author C. David Heymann that during the summer of 1988, Kennedy and the Material Girl stopped off at a "cheap, dinky" Chicago hotel for a secret rendezvous during which they planned to finally go all the way.
"They were working their way around the bases, and as they rounded third and headed for home, she asked him if he had any protection. He didn't, so now they began discussing how they were going to get a hold of a prophylactic," Littell tells the author.
"She was still legally married to Sean Penn, and he had a steady girlfriend . . . They were afraid of being busted. They couldn't very well just meander into a pharmacy and ask for a pack of Trojans. They were too well known . . . To John's great chagrin, the relationship was never completed."
Another claim in the book, sure to infuriate the Kennedy clan and their friends who believe Heymann's sources are dubious, is that JFK Jr. had numerous bisexual encounters.
Transsexual Warhol superstar Holly Woodlawn, who met the hunk at Studio 54, tells the author: "I know he was attracted to me because when we danced he played with my a - - and stuff. He kissed me on the dance floor, and I kissed him back."
Another acquaintance, French physical therapist Jean Christian Massard, who went clubbing with JFK Jr. in the late '80s, claims, "He confided - and I believed him - that he'd had several flings with men."
Well, Holly Woodlawn would come on to a fire hydrant, so I don't care about her. But it was fairly well known that John John had a penchant for slim young Asian and Latino guys, several of whom he dated and played football with in Central Park. I saw him, as did others, at gay clubs, but that doesn't mean anything.
The fact is, John Jr. is one of my blog's of LGBT month, whether naysayers like it or not.
In 1997, when John John posed (tastefully, i.e. no frontal) for his own George magazine, he wrote, while commenting about his more openly philandering relatives:
About himself, JFK Jr., who is shown contemplating an apple dangling above his head in the revealing photo, writes, "I've learned a lot about temptation recently, but that doesn't make me desire any less."

Interesting things about John John:
His father's funeral fell on John's third birthday, November 25, 1963. The historical photograph of John saluting his father's casket was taken that day. When John appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" (1986) in 1996, he told Oprah Winfrey that as an adult, he had no recollection of the funeral.
On September 7, 1995, Cindy Crawford appeared on the first cover of his short-lived magazine "George" attired as George Washington in a white wig and revolutionary garb
He broke the Kennedy family tradition of attending Harvard when he decided to attend Brown University.
John, his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and her sister Lauren were all cremated and their ashes scattered off the coast of Martha's Vineyard from the USS John F. Kennedy Naval ship, where the ship was on training duty.
Before he died, Al Gore was considering him to be his running mate, even though he had no previous political experience.

Brave enough to show off his body on Martha's Vineyard.
Brave enough to visit his father's once enemy, accused of killing him, too, Fidel Castro, when we all know it had more to do with local Texan talent, right Georgie?

"It's hard for me to talk about a legacy or a mystique. It's my family. It's my mother. It's my sister. It's my father. We're a family like any other. We look out for one another. The fact that there have been difficulties and hardships, or obstacles, makes us closer." --Vogue magazine, 1993
(When asked what he thought about being voted "Sexiest Man Alive 1988" by People Magazine) "People could say a lot worse things about you than you're really attractive and you look good in a bathing suit."
A great beautful man, who could have gone far, if only...

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