
Did Vikings have gay sex?

If you're a fan of the popular Vikings series, with the intense bromance between the main characters, you have to wonder if these dudes ever got it on. I mean, they're so macho, and they let women be warriors, so why not spank the monkey with Sven or Yarlssson? 

On my Tumblr site, I posed this query twice, with an open proposal that Men.com or another studio that does gay X-rated parodies do a Vikings gay fuck film, and I found the perfect performer, Brit stud Ben Brown, who bears a stunning likeness to Vikings actor Travis Fimmel

I've been having fun on Tumblr, Twitter and other social media that allows X-rated content. Tumblr's being a bit hypocritical about it; you can share someone else's lengthy fuck scenes, along with thousands of others, but the few times I posted a short cum shot or anything, it got deleted and I got threatened with expulsion. Not so with Blogger, which threatened to do that, but backed off when thousands of adult bloggers protested.

Anyway, the purpose of all this time-wasting fun on social media was to promote my books, which has become an epic fail. I've sold maybe a few dozen Kindle editions of my three collections, Bone, Rahm and Poke, and a few of my well-reviewed scifirotia tale Q-FAQ.