
Sweat Equity

It's deep into winter. You've overeaten. It's cold. your sex drive is down.
Get some fucking exercise! Get some exercise fucking!

Or just suck on Riley Skinner's cock. Yep, the college quarterback Riley Skinner nude; that's Riley skinned.


Q-FAQ: Best Gay SciFi!

Q-FAQ, my science fiction parody novel, has been nominated for a Lambda Literary Award! Okay, that's not a big deal, since, if you look at the list, pretty much every publisher who sent the required 4 copies plus a fee got nominated. But still...

And AfterElton.com called it the best gay scifi book of 2007! Not bad, even though there weren't a lot of other contenders in the category.

So, have you bought or read my book yet? Lemme know what you think!
Post a review on Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.com.
For more reviews, see my previous post from November. Read my Q&A with Brian Jewell HERE.

I'm so happy I could ... I dunno ...ejaculate all over my face!