
I Like Mike

Magic Mike is a hit!

"It's the Citizen Kane of stripper movies!" exalts Entertainment Weekly film critic Libby Gelman-Waxner (who is actually gay playwright Paul Rudnick).

Of course, EW would like it, and they had a fun multi-page advance preview of the film, and guess what? The film conglomorate that's released it also part of the media conglomorate that owns EW!

But that show biz bias aside, despite its hetero-focus, the movie is fun, and sexy. But my gays wanna know the important stuff; How much nudity is there? Vulture.com explains it all for you.

Wait. Why did handsome out gay actor Matt Bomer end up with the color grey?

Anywhose, here's another fond(ling) look back at the inspiration for the film, Channing Tatum's former career as a stripper in real life (thanks to those snarky bitches at Gawker). Chan's been telling a lot of slightly risque tales about those years, but a picture's worth a thousand lap dances:

Some more screencaps and promo pics from the film:

And here, of course, is what you WON'T be seeing: cock, at least real cock (Joe Man-Jello's Big Dick Ritchie has a prosthetic, darn it). So here's some fake ones!

Oh, well, a queen can dream. Even a clothed lap dance on a cheesy talk show would be fun.

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