Remember when all those Lord of the Rings guys were smooching and licking each other at just about every premiere of their movies? It led to a slew of rumor-mongering about their sexuality. But hey, what's wrong with a little - or a lot - of male affection?
The message board It's Not Easy Being Green offers up a smoochload of male/male kisses between celebs, from the LotR dudes to Serenity co-stars, Queer as Folk and Brokeback Mountain screencaps, plus a lot of little animated gifs. WARNING: it's very slow-loading, so right-click it in a new tab or window, then go take a snack break. Mm-kay?
My fave is the one (above) from a LotR 2004 Oscar and birthday party for Sala Baker, between Baker and Shox, a member of the band World Without Sundays. I mean, a peck on the forehead from Lost co-star is one thing. But a dead-on lip lock with the studliest Samoan ever, who also played Sauron, and various orcs in one of the biggest baddest movies ever - Well, I'd find it hard to stop.
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