What to make of Matt Sanchez, the 36 year old Marine who's begun to make the rightwing gab show circuit by complaining that (what a shocker) fellow students at Columbia University don't like having a military presence at their school, a Manhattan university.

The hunky Latino Marine certainly has a right to express his opinion, and he does, on his BLOG and he gets personal on his MYSPACE page (deleted)

Sanchez has sucked up to Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, and Sean Hannity. He claims Columbia students' protests are akin to a "sniper attack." The poor big stud.

So, what's the sex connection? If you're thinking this guy is familiar, you're right.
He is none other than former gay porn performer Rod Majors.

Here's Rod's video list on on TLA Video.

Here are a few more images of the stud, who also performed for Kristen Bjorn as Pierre LaBranche. He has an eleven-inch - whoops; make that a hard eight- uncut dick.

Here's an update on Queerty.
In a lengthy interview about his working for Kristen Bjorn (deleted). He says his favorite videos in which he starred are Idol Country, with Jawbreaker as a close second. I think Patriot Ass is more on-target.
In each video, he dispels my nearly proven theory that all Marines are bottoms.
He also says, in the interview, that "I think I like men, and people in general, who are modest and have a sense of humility."
Then what is he doing associating with arrogant blowhard reichwing whores like Coulter, Hannity and O'Lielly?
Sanchez plunges his enormous schlong in and out of the mouths and asses of men. He did it on tape. And now he's defending the military, pretending to be straight, and allegedly got some plastic surgery on his face.
Coulter, as you know, just got her demonic self a new batch of free publicity by calling Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards a "faggot." The hauty bitch's joke tanked, and now even far reichwing turds are distancing themselves from their little Eva Braun.
As for O'Leilly, that blowhard just blew a gasket last week when San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's office issued a proclamation congratulating Colt Studios on its 40th anniversary (timed with the Gay VN Awards).
So, rightwing fucktwit pundits can get all upset when a mayor celebrates a famous gay porn company, but they can also have porn performers on their show, so long as they pretend they aren't former gay fuckers, and turn conservative.
Sanchez acts like Jeff Gannon, only cuter. He sucks up to the freaks who treat us like shit, all for what he sees as a noble pursuit.
But he's still pretty dirty, as in a dirty lying hypocrite.
Update: Call me DeepThroat: Sloppy Seconds.
Some anonymous queen on Datalounge keeps ranting that I "owe" that site credit for uncopywritten links and the "scoop" on this. Whatever. Nobody picked up on it until I posted it, then sent it to the wonderful JoeMyGod.
Only then did Several other blogs pick up on it: Daily Kos, Queerty (link dead) Gawker, (Gawker is entirely dead) and TowleRoad, whose editor, Andy Towle, has to make it all about him! He dated (as in slobbed the enormous knob, and got his [probably very cute] ass stuffed by) the man whore. Good for him.
I doubt he paid the $200 Matt was charging for his sexual services. Here's Matt's old Escort Ad Page: I will thank the DataBitches for that! He also had profiles on two gay hook-up sites as recently as last year; pretty busy for an alleged "ex-gay."
Let's watch as it worms its way upstream to the small gay press, then the bigger gay corporate wing, then mainstream media, shall we?
And then, within a year, "Mateo" will unleash his little book and we'll all have to suffer the rehashing of the slightly erotic escapades of a duplicitous rightwing ex-whore. Oh joy. I can smell The Advocate lapping it up now.
Blogosphere gone viral: the cock is out of the bag!
AmericaBlog (link gone), All Spin Zone, Atrios, Boy Culture, Queer-Sighted, The Right's Field, Say Anything, Fleshbot, Emboldened, Liberaltopia, Michael Petrelis Mercury Rising, Stranger Slog, etc. (update 2016: many of the links are dead)
Let's see how long it takes O'Lielly to "report" on this.
I really think I deserve to suck off Matt for all the free PR I've given him. I hope I get a discount. Wait, I don't have sex with duplicitous rightwing hypocrites. Darn. I'll have to keep hangin' with my hung uncut liberal pals.
Here are some tasty pics of Matt from his whoring days, that is, when he was an honest whore, providing sexual services, not when he became a whore for bilious lying hate-filled anti-gay Rethuglican spin twits.

Gee, do ya think it's appropriate that his head is missing? I wonder how many rightwing closet cases he boinked to get ahead. Did Hannity get a discount? Did O'Lieilly bring a loofa?
Updates, March 7: OMG, I made Yahoo News via The Nation!
Max Blumenthal linking to me!
It gets better; Huffington Post, Salon.com, Pink Dome and Gay.com.uk, and another fave, JockoHomo. (again; dead links; none of these sites archive very well, do they?)
Gay rightwing apologist and former Washington Blade editor Chris Crain - who unleashed the incompetent "columnist" 'Jeff Gannon' on gay media– spews off in predictable fashion; blaming lefties for exposing the hypocrisy, then defending two-faced whores. Funny, Crain's not badlooking. I never figured him as one to so vociferously defend prostitutes, or need them. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But foisting pee ho Gannon as a "journalist" is a sign of his propensity toward lapses in editorial logic.
Of course, rightwing whorebag Michelle Malkin dances around the truth of Sanchez' "indiscretions," denying that she got played; not even gonna link to her. Now THAT would be obscene; as if posting a pic of Coultergeist wasn't gross enough.
Meanwhile, Coultergeist is losing advertisers galore on her website, and newspapers around the country are dropping her acid-tongued column (since they were stupid enough to run them, I won't even mention them.)
Other reichsters continue to feign smugness in lefties' alleged hypocrisy; they fell for his schtick, and are all too happy to paint Sanchez as a "reformed" former hedonist who's found his way. Yawn. Turning tail from being an accomplished sex worker to being an out and out whore for a wrongful war and a corrupt hate-filled administration is the twist, and they refuse to acknowledge that.
Sanchez himself claims he'll comment on all this, in between his classes and gym sessions. I really think Joe and I should get some thanks for all this. He couldn't buy such good PR, not even at $200 an hour.
Another update: Joe got Part 2 of an interview with big Matt.
Keith Olberman did a segment on MSNBC, and predictably, did not credit Joe, myself, or Datalounge, but HuffingtonPost as "breaking" the story. Such is the mendacity of corporate media. Nothing on their website. Anyone who finds a link to the segment is welcome to post in comments. Matt, you'll probably post it on YouTube and on your blog, right?
But back to the porn! FleshClick posted a few screencaps of Matt/Rod's great money shots in Idol Country. Please patronize Falcon Studios at your local video store!

No screencaps yet from Patriot Ass; not counting Matt's gig on O'Lielly.
Update March 8: The Sanchez 'Warholian 15 minutes' are ticking fast...
Matt writes a marvelously duplicitous, self-aggrandizing and error-filled essay for Salon.
Excerpt-ette: "We have all done things we don't want advertised"
Yeah, but you DID advertise, Matty!
And, the MSNBC segment with Max Blumenthal on YouTube (shocking that Matt didn't go on the show, or anywhere a camera would point at him; they do have studios in NYC, Matt. Had to study and do your chest workout?)
UPDATE, MAY 11: In news that should surpise no one, Matt has allegedly posted a new profile on ManHunt looking for -quelle non surprise!- more gay sex. Queerty has all the gossip and transcript of a recent exchange online. Gee, Matt, you're a really bad liar.
RELATED POSTS: April's Fool Daze, Spartannical and Patriot Ass.
Such a great post -- thanks! I'm curious, does Sanchez think he won't be found out? Do the right-wingers know about his porny past?
God, what some people won't do for their 15 minutes of fame, including selling themselves out to the likes of the Satanic Cult of Hannity, O'Reilly and Coulter! Yikes!!
oh this is just divine. love it, love it!!
I just love the whole Bill O'Reilly involvement - truly fabu news! See the COLT Studio Day clip and more news on my blog at www.JohnRutherfordblog.com.
Where's the love? Everyone sounds so angry on here, I thought this site was supposed to be "GAY"!!!
I just posted a little response on my blog.
Thanks for posting, John. Colt rules (and I promise never to post your copywritten pics, mm-kay?)
Thanks for writing, Matt.
'Where's the love?"
Where's the logic in whining about protests from some vegan socialists whom you could knock down with a finger?
Aren't you a big Marine? Or are you a wussy?
I thought you were supposed to be gay, not a hypocrite who hangs with the likes of Ann "Faggot" Coulter, Michelle "homosexuals are sick" Malkin, and Bill "San Francisco is Sodom and Gomorroah" O'Lielly.
Glad to have helped crack your double life open. Now, can I suck on your big cock, or are you not "gay" any more?
Do you still charge $200?
How delightful! It's so lovely this story is coming out within the same media cycle (sorta) of the Ann Coulter f-gg-t joke.
"11-inch uncut monster dick"? Please. He's lying about that, too! (Not a surprise!)
Well I for one can confirm that he does not have an 11inch cock. I have seen it up close and personal and it is no bigger than 8 inches on a good day. He appears to be a bit more articulate now than when I met him or maybe he was just stoned of his ass. I met him in a hot tub of all places and we… oh I won’t get in to all that but lets just say it is not 11 inches. Oh and he did not age all that well either. He was still flaming hot when I met him about 10 years ago.
Hmmm. Mann Coulter wondered why all gays weren't Repubs because they were after all "anti-crime and for tax-cuts. Gays make a lot of money and they're the victims of crime."
Not sure if she had this in mind when se said that.
Wouldn't it be hilarious when "Coulter Faggots" would start following her around and attending her speeches and cheering her on?
Matt Sanchez seems to be in deep denial...and deep shit (literally and figuratively).
Can't say I have any sympathy for that jerkoff.
First a hooker and porn star, then a marine, now a college student and a wannabe right-wing politico. I wonder how many others in Washington have this sort of stuff in their background.
I think "Cpl. Dirty Sanchez" will make a good fit, so to speak, in that world. Who'll even notice one more psycho in the crowd?
Oh, and a 36-year-old corporal majoring in "American studies" at Columbia. Sanchez, did you fuck your way into that billet, too?
Hi, love the news, love the dicks...nice blog. Also, it was presidential candidate John EDWARDS, not John Richards...thx
For a gay guy, you certainly come off as a very big cunt.
what a TOOL!
Silly hypocritical Re-Pugs
For a very big cunt, you come off as an ex-gay.
Tom, what a great post!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if he will be kicked out of the marines?
Tom, any idea what the title or who the actor is on the G-spot salad clip? Men is he hot!!!!!!!!
The best of luck with your book
Tom, I just had to come back and thank you for all the clicks over to my blog.
No, I have not heard from Bill-O or Slanthead with answers to my many questions, as hypothetical as they were.
I think the thing that scares 'em most is that we are everywhere, even at CPAC. Certainly not a choice I would make for a weekend getaway, but what do I know, there may be an underground component to CPAC nastier than IML.
I'm sure Cpl. Snatchez is much more palatable with a ball gag in his mouth, anyway.
The pictures are all fake.
Joe, thanks; you are a supah-stah!
AJ, no, sorry, dunno who the rimmee is.
TR, isn't everything fake these days?
You know what I think is going to be the most damning? That interview in which Dirty Sanchez talked about going to a Barbra Streisand concert. The 'wingers really hate Streisand. It's also not going to help that Sanchez wasn't always a top. Ha!
What an excellen, stellar catch, Well done young sir! Is the GOP fakey-ier than sister Dana Van Equity's breasts? What next, I can't wait...
Tom, Mega Hairy muscle hugs of appreiation for your fine blog posts exposing Matt
Here's my take and a little venting.
Matt or Rod or Pierre, whoever.
A hot gay man, an escort, a porn star, and now, a right wing Republican advocate. WHAT HAPPENED?
It really saddens me when guys go to extremes to get attention.
Matt, you are being used by the Republican nutcases. Please save yourself. Be a proud gay man, like the rest of us.
You have the right to stand up for your convictions, but hey, don't feel that being gay is bad or unworthy. They will use you, abuse you and spit you out once your usefulness is over.
Sanchez says that his bad experiences in the liberal world of porn made him into a conservative. I quite strongly suspect a different truth.
He is featured in at least 34 porn flicks, and the reviews (for whatever they're worth) of his "performances" were decidedly mixed. I say that Mr. Sanchez is overexposed, is far from a star and is getting a little long in the tooth at the ripe old age of, what is it, 37?
It was time for a new gig. And if there's one thing a man-whore knows how to do, it's how to tell people what they want to hear. Joke's on the Republicans!
By the way, if someone decides to become a public figure, the details of their prior "careers" are fair game. If this guy had been a Democrat posing as a marine against the war, you can bet that the Republicans would have gleefully exposed all of this.
Who was it that said, "Beware of new careers that require a change of wardrobe" (I know it from an E.M Forster novel/film)?
Or, in Matt's case, "Beware of new careers that require a wardrobe!
i did a post on allspinzone today about his inane salon article. he actually thinks the wingers love him and his arguments are all utter nonsense.
when we saw that he was gonna give joe.my.god an interview, we thought he was gonna come out as punking the thugs. now we see he's just not that smart.
oh and sorry for not publicly crediting you for the discovery.
No problem. I'm happy to give JoeMyGod the major creds (and the headache of hundreds of comments, numerous interviews, and everything else).
I do envy Andy Towle for having boinked Mr. Sanchez!
Otherwise, I'm just a happy porn slut.
According to the Marine Corps Times, Sanchez's military status is IRR, which means Individual Ready Reserve. This matters because IRR marines, soldiers, sailors and airmen are inactive. They aren't attached to any reserve unit. They don't drill monthly and yearly like active reservists do.
Thus, a more accurate description of Mr. Sanchez is "former marine." I'm not sure what he's told people at Columbia, but if he's been holding himself out as a reserve corporal he's probably been lying, unless he was an active reservist until very recently.
I seem to recall that Sanchez has claimed that his reserve unit might soon be called to Iraq. As an IRR member, i.e., a former marine, Sanchez is not part of any reserve unit. Again, we'd need to know when Sanchez was last (if ever) an active reservist to know whether any of his "reservist" claims were true.
Maybe some others can do some research on this issue.
Just another gay parasite sucking up gay men filled with self-loathing.
Thank you for exposing, so to speak, the lovely moron Rod "Matt Sanchez" Majors. Rod is a tool. What a shock.
But darling, what do I do with my shelf full of his videos? Am I flirting with The Dark Side if I view him pounding Zak Spears's ass while touching myself inappropriately? If I get all hot watching him suck Dallas Taylor's dick, am I supporting Faux-President Bush? If I imagine his giant dick filling my throat, am I really having lesbian sex with Ann Coulter?
I'm so confused.
I wouldn't consider it un-PC to wank to his pre-rightwing-days pornocopia.
He was not yet a convert to the right, so hey, who cares? He was hot then.
I ordered a few of his lesser DVDs, and hope to view his better (but too pricey for me at $60 a pop) Kristen Bjorn classics.
I'd like to point out to readers, as much as I agree with most of what you right, I also think bashing Chris Crain on this issue over what he said is overly harsh, and that he poses some very valid points.
1)Where he points out "I'm not particularly sympathetic to his argument that Columbia should discipline his tormenters — if anything, there's your hypocrisy, since conservatives are supposed to be against campus speech regulations.
2)"The real travesty here is that coverage of Sanchez will dwarf coverage of Alva, who was the first U.S. service member injured in Iraq — he lost part of his leg — and his story of service with fear that he would be outed and discharged."
Should the story not have broken? Well, it's news, and it *should* have its day in the sun. Unfortunately, Americans always did love a good scandal, and I agree with Chris that the real tragedy is we may all miss the point: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" needs to be rescinded immediately. The other real tragedy here is that "Mateo" sounds as if he's pretty much pushed himself back into the closet and repressed what he really feels in life, given his Kristen Bjorn interview 8 years ago and his response interview after the scandal broke out recently vehemently denying that he's gay, or even bisexual.
"Mateo," baby, it's really okay to be gay. Or even just bi. You can even be a conservative, pro-military, bisexual (or gay), ex-hustler, religious/spiritual, married, marine. Believe me: you can be all of these things at once. I have republican, gay, ex-military friends -- we just try not to discuss politics too much. But, you can't change your sexuality and self-identity. We all do things we're not proud of. Heck, we even change our opinions about things and even change our core values given major life events. You've been attracted to men. Even if you haven't ever had a successful gay relationship, you're still bisexual. Marriage doesn't change that. Just be honest about who you are, where you came from, where you are, what you've changed and why and you'll feel a lot better, k?
this whole thing is like slipping and falling in a puddle of vomit. How unfortunate for the vomit.
i was just putting a perspective on exactly what you had to do to create this site; and what it adds to is a psychosis that will forever keep me from voting liberal or democrat again. this is no different than some ignorant KKK hack lambasting a random gay guy. you've sunk just far enough to expose yourself for what you are.
Nice indeed.
Actually, his cock is that big and its thick to boot. I know, because its been inside my mouth and my ass.
Don't hate!
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